關於我們 About Us
涵蓋110 個業種,20萬家店舖數與100 萬名以上的從業人員,年產值逾新台幣2兆多元, 對台灣地區經濟提昇與就業機會的提供具有重大貢獻。
We are the largest and most experienced chain and franchise promotion organization in Taiwan. Currently we have over 500 members in 110 franchise sectors, operating more than 200,000 units with over one million employees, generating up to NT 2 trillion annually. The catering industry and wholesale and retail accounted for 56% and 15% respectively.Our members play a pivotal role behind Taiwan’s economic growth and job opportunities.
緣起 Origin
台灣產業結構90%以上由中小企業組成,連鎖加盟產業亦不例外。由於產品與業態創新 不斷,旺盛的創業家精神,使台灣有超過兩千個連鎖品牌,密度高居世界第一。有鑑於積極 發聲,爭取資源協助產業發展及經驗交流需要,台灣自創連鎖品牌業者於1995 年12 月18 日正式成立「社團法人台灣連鎖加盟促進協會」。
Over 90% of Taiwan’s economy is composed of mostly small and medium business companies. A large portion of these companies make up Taiwan’s chain and franchise industry. This industry is fueled by constant innovation along with family spirit that makes Taiwan one of the world’s most dense chain and franchise market with over 2000 different brands. On December 18, 1995 the “Association of Chain and Franchise Promotion, Taiwan” was founded and Mr. Lee Ching-chin was elected as Chairman, officially bringing the franchise service into a new milestone.
宗旨 Purpose
台灣連鎖品牌長期耕耘打底,累積成功經營模式,建立豐厚產業基礎。本會希以此基礎 加強協助連鎖加盟產業茁壯,提昇連鎖加盟業者經營實力,厚植台灣下一階段經濟發展力量。
With experience from the past and moving into the future, Taiwan chain and franchise brands have established a successful business model as well as a well-built industrial foundation. Based on the current success and experiences, we wish to provide improved support to the growth of chain and franchise industry. It is our intention to enhance the business ability of our members and to enhance the future development power of Taiwan’s economy.
使命 Objectives
本會自1990 年成立以來,以服務會員並促進業者交流與共同成長、促使加盟業者經驗 交流、吸收新知為使命,並結合專家及政府力量,以促進連鎖加盟事業之健全發展為努力目 標。冀透過協會力量,提供產業業者最完整的經營輔導機制,增加就業機會並帶動台灣經濟 發展。 Since our association was established in 1995, we have spared no efforts to live up to our objectives of rendering all available services to members and boosting interchanges among them. We have tried hard to help members to keep up on the latest trends by absorbing up-to-date knowhow. As an encouraging result, all members have developed themselves into sound franchising systems under the integral supporting and guiding mechanism of the Association.
願景 Mission
本會所舉辦之國際連鎖大展為亞洲最大的專業展覽,透過展覽的運作,已與各國友會建 立交流平台。未來,本會將著眼於透過此一國際交流平台,有效協助會員品牌,躍上國際舞 台,讓華人品牌,在全世界發光發熱!
As one of Asia’s largest chain and franchise associations, ACFPT has been able to help promote and perform exchanges with other international chain and franchise associations. These exchanges have helped Taiwan’s chain and franchise companies become more internationally recognized and build their brands that can compete in the worldwide.
展覽 Exhibition
本會舉辦台灣地區最專業、亞洲規模最大的國際連鎖加盟大展。並號召新加坡、馬來西 亞、澳門及其他等各國友會與廠商參展,深受國際好評。
We have hosted a number of such large-scale events that have been known for being some of the largest and most professional international franchise exhibition. We will also contact other fellow associations around the world to join the exhibition. The fruits attained in the international exhibition embody partly our efforts to guide franchisors into perpetuity and into the leading position in the world.
國際考察 International Markets
We have promptly designed and arranged on-the-spot learning programs for members, and assist them to developed markets in the international markets. Members have closely teamed up with their foreign counterparts in inter-visits, data exchange and bringing foreign companies into Taiwan markets or elsewhere in close cooperation, and guiding members on how to develop new markets.
國際研討會International Workshops
針對現今市場導向舉辦「連鎖加盟知識經濟論壇」,聘請國內外專家學者,分析各國連 鎖加盟產業最新的發展現況與未來成長趨勢。
We keep our members up with the current market trends by hosting workshops. These workshops are meant to keep our members informed with the latest information and teach them recent market developments for both the domestic and the international markets.
教育訓練 Education and Training
協助個別企業申請政府資源,針對企業內部訓練,舉辦各項教育訓練。歷屆班次包含「連 鎖加盟高階策略研究班」、「門市店長班」、「連鎖加盟產業高階經營管理總裁精進班」... 等。
Education and training represents the very key to sound entrepreneurial growth. This is exactly the role we play. The workshops that we provide have some of the finest and most talented teachers from the chain and franchise industry. We have hosted numerous education and training workshops, such as “Chain and Franchise Strategies”, “Retail Store Management” and “Chain and Franchise Management”.
異業策略聯盟 Industry Strategic Branches
自1997 年起,本會於台北、台中、台南及高雄分別成立地方分會,除加深會員間情誼, 更提供彼此間交流學習機會,定期聚會並分享經營經驗,成為一個自我成長的機制。
We also established 4 branches in Taipei, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung up to 2010. With these branches there are regular meetings held for the member franchisors to share their business experiences. By doing this, they will then become a self-growing system.
會員聯誼 Member Workshops
協會每月定期舉辦會員聯誼活動。以不同型態活動滿足會員吸收新知,主要內容包含專家 講座、業界座談、展覽觀摩以及聚餐聯誼等,深獲會員公司熱情支持。
We positively promote an exchange of information and experiences between our members regularly on a monthly base by conducting workshops. Such activities include dinners, trips to local business and many other types of activities that will benefit our members.